I Hate You  

Sunday 7 September 2008

I hate you
With everything i prayed
And all the things i said
But the truth is, i never could

I hate you
In every time i view you as a person
And when times you were not a person at all
But the truth is, i never could

I hate you
At times when life is at joy
And practised smiles are everywhere
But the truth is, i never could

Why do i like you?
Is it because i hate you?
Or is it because i dislike you?
Or maybe i just cant live without this warm feeling

Why do i see leaves in diamonds?
Why do i hear bells in the evening?
Is it because...when you are not around
Things are not that perfect anymore?

Because i wished to have a 'perfect' life
And i know without you, i am not anymore?

I noticed..
That i bleed inside when my heart is not filled
I cry each night to know that ure not here
That i stare with envy to other couples around me
And in the end, i feel not smiling when i am alone in my room

So now i know..
Even though i hate you
Deep inside...i care for you
Deep inside...i longed for you
Deep inside...i want to stay with you forever!

Because i love you and my heart is always beside ures..

So now i know the feeling to be loved..
The feeling to be hold and cared..
It is something you could not let go by
Life is so not perfect when you are not around

My dear, will you still hold on to my hands?
Because i will...
And always will..
I am sorry for everything..

PS: To all couples, dont end up ure rship because of stoopid things, its not worth it

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